WaterWolves.com : Always the Hunters, Never the Prey.



What is a WaterWolves.com Supporter?

WW Supporters are WaterWolves.com members that have made a financial contribution to the site's future growth.

Because of the large number of contributors, we have decided to recognize those that go above and beyond in their support for this site.

WW Supporters (W2S) are divided into four distinct groups: Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum Supporters:

Silver PFish Supporter   Contribute $10-19 USD
Gold PFish Supporter   Contribute $20-49 USD
Platinum PFish Supporter   Contribute $50+ USD

When you make a donation to the site as a WW Supporter, please enclose your board username via the "Notes" option in PayPal or with a small note when you send a check or money order. Thank you!

Paypal is the industry standard way of transfering money on the internet. It's the lynchpin of such web giants like eBay and many more. It is the most trustworthy and secure online transfer system available.

To donate just click on the link button to the right and make your donation!

Check, Mail Order, Ect.
If you prefer to not use PayPal, you can also send donations via regular mail. We accept personal checks, mail orders, etc.. If you'd like to send us your donation, you can do so to the following address (please be sure to make a note on the Memo portion that this is a donation and include your membername):

c/o inventhost
P.O. Box 131137
The Woodlands, Texas 77393